Skincare based on ingredients


Nowadays we come across various names of various skincare ingredients – hyaluronic acid, retinol, collagen, niacinamide, etc. Each of these ingredients helps to solve various skin conditions and today I will write about hyaluronic acid and add some product recommendations.

Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in our body, and as we age, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, so it can be found in various products that we apply to the skin to compensate for the loss of moisture and elasticity of the skin. Hyaluronic acid gives that plumped look to the skin and improves skin elasticity, it can also be used by all skin types.

Hyaluronic acid is an ingredient that everyone should have in their skin care routine, whether it is dry, combination or oily skin in question. It helps remove fine lines, increases skin hydration level, smoothes skin and improves skin elasticity. It’s a great ally in skin hydration, especially if you use chemical exfoliants so you need an extra boost of hydration. This is where hyaluronic acid jumps in because it is a truly neutral ingredient that will not interfere with the performance of any other ingredient, and will provide relief to the skin and prevent skin dehydration.vichy-mineralbooster

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